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Martin Fejer is a professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. He is a fellow of Optica and the IEEE, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. His current research interests include nonlinear, ultrafast and guided-wave optics for classical and quantum-optical applications, and instrument science for gravitational-wave detectors.
Shigemasa Suga Graduated from the Department of Materials Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 1968, March. He received Dr. degree of Materials Engineering, The Uni. Tokyo in March 1973. Shigemasa Suga is Staff of MPIF, Stuttgart , 1973-1976 and Associate Prof. Institute for Solid State Physics, The Univ.Tokyo. 1976-1989, Responsible for Synchrotron Radiation Facility, The Univ. Tokyo. Then he is Prof.Osaka Univ. Engineering Science 1989-2009. Concurrent Prof. Photon Factory of KEK, Japan 1989-1994. Shigemasa Suga is Chairman of the SPring-8 project, 1994-2000 and Invited Prof. MPIMP, Halle. 2010-2015, Invited Prof. FZJ. 2015-2019.
Roel Baets is an emeritus full professor at Ghent University (UGent) where he has led a mixed UGent – imec team. For about 40 years Roel Baets has worked in the field of integrated photonics, in multiple material platforms (silicon, silicon nitride, III-V). He has made diverse scientific contributions to this field, as well as to its applications and spin-off creation in telecom, datacom and sensing. He has led major research projects in silicon photonics in Europe and founded ePIXfab, the globally first Multi-Project-Wafer service for silicon photonics and now the European Silicon Photonics Alliance. In recent years his research has focused on medical and environmental sensing applications of silicon photonics. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, of the European Optical Society (EOS) and of Optica. He has been a recipient of the 2018 PIC-International Lifetime Achievement Award, of the 2020 Optica-IEEE John Tyndall Award and of the 2023 IEEE Photonics Award. As an emeritus professor Roel Baets continues a variety of advisory roles within UGent and imec, within ePIXfab and in the integrated photonics community at large.
Shuang Zhang is a chair Professor and interim Head of the Department of Physics at the University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico. Thereafter he worked as postdoc at UIUC and UC Berkeley. He joined the University of Birmingham, UK as a Reader in 2010 and was promoted to professor in 2013. Prof. Zhang joined the University of Hong Kong as a Chair Professor in 2020. He was the recipient of IUPAP award in Optics (2010), ERC consolidator grant (2015-2020), Royal Society Wolfson Research Award (2016-2021), and New Cornerstone Investigator Program (2023-2028). He was elected OSA fellow in 2016, APS fellow in 2022, and has appeared on the list of highly cited researchers (by Clarviate) since 2018.
W.C. Chew received all his degrees from MIT. His research interests are in wave physics, specializing in fast algorithms for inverse scattering imaging and computational electromagnetics. His interest is in combining quantum theory and differential geometry with electromagnetics. After MIT, he joined Schlumberger-Doll Research, served as a Dept Director, at U Illinois, he was EM Lab director, Founder Professor, YT Lo chair and Fisher Distinguished Professor. He served as Dean of Engineering at the Hong Kong U. He joined Purdue U in August 2017 as a Distinguished Professor. He has co-authored three books, many lecture notes, over 450 journal papers, and over 600 conference papers. He is a fellow of various societies, and an ISI highly cited author. In 2000, he received the I3E Graduate Teaching Award, in 2008, he received the I3E AP-S CT Tai Distinguished Educator Award, in 2013, elected to the National Academy of Engineering, in 2015 received the ACES Computational Electromagnetics Award, in 2017 received the I3E Electromagnetics Award. In 2018, he served as the I3E AP-S President. He was a distinguished visiting professor at Tsinghua U, China, Hong Kong U, and National Taiwan U. After three years (2007-2010) as the Dean of Engineering at Hong Kong U, their Engineering was ranked first among the engineering faculties in China Proper. When he served as the Chair of the Search Comm Sect 7, for NAE (2020), the section had the largest number of under-represented nominees, which brought about 2 new slots to the section. He is the co-EIC of PIER Journals, General Co-Chair of many PIERS, and is the chair of the Committee on Promoting Equality at IEEE AP Society.
Dieter Bimberg received the Ph.D. magna cum laude from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. He held for 7 years a Principal Scientist position at the Max Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Grenoble, France. After serving as a Professor of electrical engineering, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, he assumed the Chair of Applied Solid-State Physics at Technical University of Berlin. He is the Founding Director of its Center of NanoPhotonics. He was holding guest professorships at the Technion, Haifa, U.C. Santa Barbara, CA, USA, and at Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto, CA. He was Distinguished Adjunct Professor at KAU, Jeddah 2012-2018. In 2018 he assumed the directorship of the “Bimberg Chinese German Center for Green Photonics” at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the EU Academy of Sciences, a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the US Academies of Engineering and of Inventors, a Life Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, and a honorary member of the Ioffe Institute of the RAS. He is recipient of many important international awards, like the UNESCO Nanoscience Award, the Max-Born Award and Medal of IoP and DPG, the Heinrich-Welker-Award, the Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, the Oyo Buturi and MOC Awards of the Japanese Society of Applied Physics, the Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Medal and Award of IEEE, the Stern-Gerlach Award of DPG, to mention a few. He received honorary doctorates of the University of Lancaster, UK, and the St. Petersburg Alferov University of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has authored more than 1600 papers, 71 patents and patent applications, and six books. The number of times his research works has been cited exceeds 66,000 and his Hirsch factor is 113 (@ Google Scholar). His research interests include physics and technology of nanostructures, nanostructure based photonic and electronic devices, and energy efficient data communication.
Volker J. Sorger is the Rhines Endowed Professor at the University of Florid and was the founding Director of the Florida Semiconductor Institute. Dr. Sorger oversees and coordinates microchip and semiconductor activities in the state of Florida including R&D and manufacturing private-public partnerships and workforce development programs. For his work, Dr. Sorger received multiple awards including the SPIE Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award, the Presidential PECASE Award, the AFOSR YIP, the Emil Wolf Prize, and the National Academy of Sciences award of the year. Dr. Sorger is an Editor for Optica, Nanophotonics, Applied Physics Rev., eLight, Chips, and was the former editor-in-chief of Nanophotonics. He is a Fellow of The Optical Society (formerly OSA), SPIE, IEEE, IAAM, and The German National Academic Foundation. He holds more than 20 U.S. patents licensed to corporations and ventures. Volker J. Sorger is the Director of the Florida Semiconductor Institute
Wei Li is a professor at Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He also serves as the Director of GPL Photonics Laboratory at CIOMP and Deputy Head of State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Technology. Before joining CAS, he did his Ph.D. and postdoc at Vanderbilt University and Stanford University, respectively. His research interests include thermal photonics, nanophotonics, and their applications in next-generation energy and information technologies. He is a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate) and the recipient of MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35 (TR35 Asia Pacific), Key Program PI (National Natural Science Foundation of China), and others. He is the associate editor of npj Nanophotonics and the faculty advisor of IEEE Student Chapter and the Optica Student Chapter at CIOMP, CAS.
Xiaogang Liu is a professor of chemistry at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He holds a joint appointment with the N1 Institute for Health and the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research. He received his Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University, Evanston, USA in 2004. He has more than 18 years of research experience in the field of lanthanide luminescence. His current research interest includes optical nanomaterials and energy transfer and explores the use of luminescent nanocrystals for photocatalysis, sensing, scintillation, imaging, and assistive technology.
Alexander Lvovsky is an experimental physicist. He was born and raised in Moscow and did his undergraduate in Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 1993, he became a graduate student in Physics at Columbia University in New York City. His thesis research, conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sven R. Hartmann, was in the field of coherent optical transients in atomic gases. After completing his Ph. D. in 1998, he spent a year at the University of California, Berkeley as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Physics, and then five years at Universität Konstanz in Germany, first as an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow, then as a research group leader in quantum-optical information technology. In 2004 he became Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary, and from autumn 2018, a professor at the University of Oxford. Alexander is a past Canada Research Chair, a lifetime member of the American Physical Society, a Fellow of the Optical Society and a winner of many awards – most notably the International Quantum Communications award, commendation letter from the Prime Minister of Canada and the Emmy Noether research award of the German Science Foundation. His work has been featured by CBC, NBC, Wired, New Scientist, MIT Technology Review, the Guardian, TASS and even Daily Mail.
Prof. Humeyra Caglayan is a Professor of physics in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Tampere University and leads the Metaplasmonics group. She received her Ph.D. degree in Physics from Bilkent University, Turkey, in 2010, where she investigated the novel electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials and plasmonic structures. After her Ph.D. studies, she worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 2017, her group (Metaplasmonics) has focused on engineering the fundamental interaction between light and matter at the nanometer scale for plasmonic and metamaterial-based devices. She is an ERC Starting Grant holder (2019-2023).
Arseniy Kuznetsov received his double PhD degree from University Paris 13 (France) in 2005 and from Institute of Applied Physics RAS (Russia) in 2006. Since 2007 till 2011 he worked at the Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) as Humboldt Research Fellow. Since October 2011 till now he has been working in A*STAR, Singapore first in the Data Storage Institute and now in the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering. He is currently appointed as Senior Principal Scientist II, Director of Nanoantenna-SLM and Nanoantenna-LED Programs and Head of Advanced Optical Technologies Department. Current activities of his group are devoted to development of novel nanodevices based on dielectric nanoantennas and metasurfaces. He is an author of >90 journal papers (incl. Science, Nature Nanotechnology etc.) and a co-inventor of >20 filed patent applications. For his pioneering research on optically resonant dielectric nanostructures and dielectric nanoantennas, he was awarded 2016 IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize, 2017 NRF Investigatorship Award and 2020 IPS World Scientific Physics Research Medal and Prize. In 2020 he was also elected to be an Optica Fellow and in 2023 an A*STAR Fellow.
Zuqing Zhu received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, in 2007. From 2007 to 2011, he worked in the Service Provider Technology Group of Cisco Systems, San Jose, California, as a Senior Engineer. In January 2011, he joined the University of Science and Technology of China, where he currently is a Full Professor. He has published 360+ papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He is an editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Optics Express, Optical Switching and Networking, and others. He is the Steering Committee Chair of the IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Optical Networking (ONTC) in ComSoc. He has received the Best Paper Awards from ICC 2013, GLOBECOM 2013, ICNC 2014, ICC 2015, and ONDM 2018. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Senior Member of Optica (formally OSA).