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Prof. Dieter Bimberg
Conference Chair Person


Bimberg Chinese-German Center For Green Photonics At CIOMP Of CAS, Changchun And Founding Director "Center Of NanoPhotonics, TU Berlin, Germany


Quantum Dots for Green Quantum Technologies


Dieter Bimberg received the Ph.D. magna cum laude from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. He held for 7 years a Principal Scientist position at the Max Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Grenoble, France. After serving as a Professor of electrical engineering, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, he assumed the Chair of Applied Solid-State Physics at Technical University of Berlin. He is the Founding Director of its Center of NanoPhotonics. He was holding guest professorships at the Technion, Haifa, U.C. Santa Barbara, CA, USA, and at Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto, CA. He was Distinguished Adjunct Professor at KAU, Jeddah 2012-2018. In 2018 he assumed the directorship of the “Bimberg Chinese German Center for Green Photonics” at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the EU Academy of Sciences, aForeign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the US Academies of Engineering and of Inventors, Fellow of the Chinese Optical Society, a Life Fellow of the American Physical Society the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, a Fellow of the Chinese Optical Society, a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association and a honorary member of the Ioffe Institute of the RAS. He is recipient of many important international awards, like the UNESCO Nanoscience Award, the Max-Born Award and Medal of IoP and DPG, the Heinrich-Welker-Award, the Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, the Oyo Buturi and MOC Awards of the Japanese Society of Applied Physics, the Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Medal and Award of IEEE, the Stern-Gerlach Award of DPG (the highest German physics award), to mention a few. He received honorary doctorates of the University of Lancaster, UK, and the St. Petersburg Alferov University of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has authored more than 1600 papers, 71 patents and patent applications, and six books. The number of times his research works has been cited exceeds 67,000 and his Hirsch factor is 113 (@ Google Scholar). His research interests include physics and technology of nanostructures, nanostructure based photonic and electronic devices, and energy efficient data communication.

Prof. Volker J. Sorger
Conference Co-Chair Person


Rhines Endowed Chair Professor in Semiconductor Photonics, University of Florida, USA


Strainoptronics including 2D material exciton generation including a Nature Photonics and Nature article


Volker J. Sorger is the Director of the Florida Semiconductor Institute and the Rhines Endowed Chair Professor for Semiconductor Photonics at the University of Florida. Dr. Sorger overseas and coordinates microchip and semiconductor activities in the state of Florida including R&D and manufacturing private-public partnerships and workforce development programs. Topical thrusts include, heterogeneous integration photonic-electronic integrated circuits, AI hard- and software, advanced packaging, optoelectronics devices, and cryptography and assurance, such as via the SRC/DARPA JUMP2.0 Center program. For his work, Dr. Sorger received multiple awards including the SPIE Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award, the Presidential PECASE Award, the AFOSR YIP, the Emil Wolf Prize, and the National Academy of Sciences award of the year. Dr. Sorger is an Editor for Optica, Nanophotonics, Applied Physics Rev., eLight, Chips, and was the former editor-in-chief of Nanophotonics. He is a Fellow of The Optical Society (former OSA), SPIE, IAAM, and The German National Academic Foundation, and a Senior Member of IEEE. He holds more than 20 U.S. patents licensed to corporations and ventures. He is a co-founder of American Foundries and Optelligence.